帮助! 我想戒烟!


祝贺你决定戒烟、吸电子烟或使用烟草! You’ve made your health a priority, 和 you should be proud of yourself. 但是决定戒烟只是第一步——通往成功戒烟之路的其余部分对你来说可能并不那么容易. 这时,药物和其他资源可能会帮助你彻底戒烟.


你不必独自做这件事——许多人发现支持团体和热线在戒烟时很有帮助. 有时候,只要知道有人理解并分享你的挣扎,就能帮助你永远戒烟.


  • 北美戒烟热线联盟是一个由免费热线和网站组成的网络. Find your state quitline 和 resources at map.naquitline.org.


  • English: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or www.无烟.政府
  • Spanish: 1-855-DEJELO-YA (1-855-335-3569) or espanol.无烟.政府
  • 中文:1-800-838-8917或www.asiansmokersquitline.org
  • 韩文:1-800-556-5564或www.asiansmokersquitline.org
  • 越南语:1-800-778-8440或www.asiansmokersquitline.org
  •  Veterans: 1-855-QUIT VET (1-855-784-8838) or www.公共健康.va.政府 /吸烟
  •  TTY: 1-800-332-8615


  • 中文:1-866-366-3667或www.go无烟.gc.ca /退出
  •  French: 1-866 JARRETE (1-866-527-7383) or www.vivezsansfumee.gc.ca /放弃



  •  美国心脏协会: 1-800-AHA-USA1 or www.心.org
  • American Cancer Society: 1-800-ACS-2345 (1-800-227-2345) or www.癌症.org/healthy/stay-away-from-tobacco
  • American Lung Association: 1-800-LUNGUSA (1-800-586-4872) or www.肺.org/stop-smoking
  • National Cancer Institute: 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848) or www.无烟.政府
  • 真相倡议成为一个前.becomeanex.org


许多医院, 医疗保健公司和雇主提供门诊和住院戒烟计划. 保险甚至可以帮助支付费用.

What to look for in a cessation program Cessation programs vary. 例如, 有些可能依赖于行为矫正, 而其他包括尼古丁替代产品或非尼古丁处方药. (Always talk to your doctor before starting any medication.) Successful cessation programs share some things in common.


 Comprehensive: The best programs consider many factors, 包括触发因素, 生活方式和过去戒烟的努力. Your family 和 friends can play a vital role in helping you quit.

 Evidence-based: Successful programs rely on proven science. Seek out approaches that include clinically proven methods, 比如咨询, behavioral therapies 和 consultations with a doctor.

适合你:适合某些人, 电话留言支持, 电子邮件或短信是至关重要的, while others respond better to in-person support groups. 通过选择一个具有适合自己的功能的程序来为自己的成功做好准备.


正确使用时, 有几种不同的药物可以真正帮助你戒烟. Some treatments are aimed at reducing the side effects of quitting, 比如头痛或易怒, while others help by making nicotine cravings less severe. You might need a nicotine replacement medicine, a non-nicotine replacement medicine or a combination of both. 你应该和你的医生或健康护理人员谈谈最适合你的治疗方案.


Typically, nicotine replacement treatment lasts between two 和 three months. Even though you can buy several of these products over the counter, 你还是应该先和你的医生谈谈哪种类型最适合你. 还记得, you should NOT use nicotine replacement medicines if you keep smoking, 吸电子烟或使用其他烟草产品. Using both at the same time can be dangerous.

1. 尼古丁口香糖或含片

  • For decades, nicotine gum has been helping people successfully quit smoking. You can buy the gum or lozenges in a drug store without a prescription. 一定要阅读包装上的说明并按照推荐剂量服用.

  • 醒着的时候,每隔一到两个小时嚼一片口香糖或吸一片含片, 但是每天不要使用超过20片4毫克的口香糖或含片,或者每天30片2毫克的口香糖或含片. The number of pieces you use each day should decrease over time.

  •  不要喝咖啡, 橙汁, 在嚼口香糖或嚼含片之前或吮吸含片时,喝15分钟苏打水或酒精. These drinks make the nicotine replacement less powerful.

  • If you don’t use nicotine gum or lozenges correctly, you may have side effects such as discomfort in your mouth 和 throat.

  • You may need to use nicotine gum or lozenges for about three months.

2. 尼古丁贴片

  •  You don’t need a doctor’s prescription to buy a 尼古丁贴片.

  •  Some br和s are available in 5, 10 和 15 mg strengths; others come in 7, 14 和 21 mg strengths. What strength you should start with depends on how much you currently smoke. Look for recommended doses on packaging to help you determine where to start.

  •  随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移, 你会逐渐减少你的剂量,并根据你的特定品牌推荐的沙巴足球体育平台表开始使用低强度的贴片.

  •  Wear the patch on your chest or high on your arm.

  •  每16或24小时换一个新的贴片. If you have trouble sleeping or have disturbing dreams, 睡觉前取下贴片,醒来后第一件事就是戴上新的.

  •  No need to change your daily routine – with the patch, 你可以洗澡, swim 和 enjoy all your favorite physical activities.

  •  Side effects may include redness 和 soreness under the patch. 为了减少副作用,你应该每天更换贴片的位置.

3. 尼古丁喷雾

  •  Unlike the first two nicotine replacement options, you will need a prescription from your doctor to buy nicotine spray.
  • The spray goes in your nose one or two times per hour when you’re awake.

  •  在头一两个星期,喷雾剂可能会导致咳嗽、流鼻涕或流眼泪. 这些副作用可能会随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移而消失.

  • You may need to use nicotine spray for up to six months, but you’ll start to taper off at or before three months. 


盐酸安非他酮是一种治疗抑郁症的药物,但它也能帮助人们戒烟. Br和 names include Zyban®, Wellbutrin®, Wellbutrin SR® 和 Wellbutrin XL®. This medication is also available as a generic. 伐尼克兰是另一种普通药物,可以帮助减少对尼古丁的渴望及其对大脑的愉悦作用. 

These are two commonly prescribed smoking-cessation medicines. 供参考, 我们包括了通用名称和品牌名称,以帮助您确定您可能服用的药物. However, the AHA does not recommend or endorse any specific products. If your prescription medication isn’t on this list, 记住,你的医疗保健提供者和药剂师是你最好的信息来源. 与医生讨论你服用的所有药物,了解它们的预期效果和可能的副作用是很重要的. 在没有咨询医生之前,不要停止服药,不要改变你的剂量或频率.

  • 这两种药物都能阻断大脑中让你想吸烟的化学物质的流动.
  • 这两种药都是片剂. You start with a low dose 和 gradually increase up to the full dose.
  •  It takes about a week for these medicines to work, so you need to start them before you actually quit smoking or vaping.
  •  这些药物中的每一种都可能与你正在服用的其他药物产生不同的作用. 确保你的医生和药剂师有你所有药物的完整清单, 包括非处方药, 补品和草药.
  •  你可能需要使用非尼古丁处方药7到12周或更长沙巴足球体育平台. 听从医生的建议.
  • When you get ready to stop taking a non-nicotine prescription medicine, 你可能需要逐渐减少, gradually decreasing the dose before you stop completely.
  • FDA通知公众,伐尼克兰和安非他酮与包括敌意在内的行为改变报告有关, 搅动, depressed mood 和 suicidal thoughts or actions. FDA要求这些产品的制造商在产品标签上添加警告,提醒医疗保健专业人员注意这一重要的新安全信息.
  •  在服用这些药物时, 如果你在情绪或行为上有任何严重和不寻常的变化,或者想要伤害自己或他人, 你应该立即停止服药并打电话给你的医疗保健专业人员.
  •  如果朋友或家人注意到服用伐仑克林或安非他酮戒烟的人的这些行为变化,应该告诉他们的担忧,并建议他或她停止服用药物,并立即致电医疗保健专业人员.

不管你选择退出, 要知道,你正朝着更健康、更长寿的方向迈出重要的一步. Stick with it 和 keep trying if you relapse along your journey. 这是值得的.